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Posted in Uncategorized by heathanderson on September 6, 2010

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Ruby on Rails Plugin: string_encryption

Posted in Ruby, Ruby on Rails by heathanderson on November 23, 2009

This is a very simple Ruby on Rails plugin that allows easy encryption of strings. For the sake of simplicity there no customization. The only cipher used is ‘des-ede3-cbc’ (Triple DES using Cipher Block Chaining) . See my post on encrypting/decrypting a string with Ruby for more information. First install the plugin:

 script/plugin install git://

Next we need to add an encryption key as the constant ENV['STRING_ENCRYPTION_KEY']. To do this just run

 script/generate encryption_key

or you could set


where “somekey” is your key in environment.rb.

Now encryption/decryption is easy.


"Test".encrypt  #=> "NDFkZTc5NDEyNTg1MzdiZPzBrxZz5aoN%0A"


"NDFkZTc5NDEyNTg1MzdiZPzBrxZz5aoN%0A".decrypt  #=> "Test"

Code at Github:

Initialization Vector Length in MRI Ruby versus JRuby

Posted in Ruby, Technology by heathanderson on September 27, 2009

When using OpenSSL encryption in standard Ruby, the length of an initialization vector (IV) can apparently be as large as you want it to be as long as it is at least the minimum size. This is odd. This can also cause trouble when switching over to JRuby. JRuby appear to be much pickier about IV length.

This works in MRI but not in JRuby:

unencrypted_data = "test"

des ="des-ede3-cbc")
des.key = '0123456789abcdef01234567890'

des.iv = "ed87acdcca419954edccb736f7dc77a74f5ac8dfe3861c3d5f77248e21592131a5423d63ff91f07956ce1aa386f8359931b5" # 100 characters
encrypted_data = des.update(unencrypted_data) +

puts encrypted_data

JRuby gives you this very helpful message:
ruby_string_encryption.rb:27:in `encrypt': No message available (OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError)
from ruby_string_encryption.rb:37

Change the IV to 8 characters and everything works fine.

Update 10/14/2009 The code that I originally posted was incorrect. I have updated it. Also I opened a ticket for this issue.

If you are looking for what size an initialization vector should be check out my post on encrypting a string with Ruby.

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Ruby String Encryption

Posted in Ruby by heathanderson on September 25, 2009

Encrypting a string is fairly easy in Ruby. All you need to do is require 'openssl'. For this example I am using the ‘des-ede3-cbc’ (Triple DES using Cipher Block Chaining) cipher. Most–if not all–of the ciphers listed on as supported ciphers should work as well.

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Ruby on Rails Plugin: data_migration

Posted in Knetwit, Ruby on Rails by heathanderson on September 22, 2009

data_migration allows you to separate data you need to load from your normal database migrations in a minimal way. While developing the new version of our flagship site, Knetwit, we decided we needed to separate our data migrations (initial settings and the like) from our structural migrations. We decided the easiest way to do this was to modify the existing Rails migration to allow for a new data migration. So we did.

Install Plugin

script/plugin install git://

Generate Migration

script/generate data_migration BlockedDomains
exists  db/data
create  db/data/20090915161242_settings.rb


class BlockedDomains < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up

Add your data:

def self.up
  BlockedEmailDomain.create(:domain => "")
  BlockedEmailDomain.create(:domain => "")
  BlockedEmailDomain.create(:domain => "")

Run Migration

rake db:data:migrate
==  BlockedDomains: migrating ===========================================================
==  BlockedDomains: migrated (0.0020s) ==================================================

db:data:migrate adds the data migration version number to the ‘schema_migrations’ table so it will not be ran again.

Code at Github: